Ron Das

The Spiritual Guy

Ron Das

The Spiritual Guy

Copyright © Ron-Das

Video and music by Ron Das. Voice over by Vince Burns.


In the tradition of Ram Dass, Krishna Das, Lama Surya Das and Adidas, Ron Das follows in the footsteps of the many Jewish men and women who have set out to seek enlightenment somewhere other than Long Island. Born into this life as Ronald Kenigson, Ron Das studied to be a rabbi until the age of 16, when he realized that he was allergic to chopped liver, and that "the Catholic girls were really cute too..." Enter Ram Dass, Timothy Leary, Gurdjieff, Country Joe and the Fish, The Beatles, Jim Morrison, and psychedelics...  In 1974, Ron Das left behind his life as an anxiety-ridden composer in New York City and moved to Mexico to follow a crazy wisdom teacher named Renato, whose full name literally means "Reborn Brave Falcon". He spent 10 years there, at first living in a palm tree hut by the jungle near Pie De La Cuesta, getting stung by scorpions, bitten by fire ants, chased by rams and wild boars and studying by kerosene lamp long into the night. He later moved to Mexico City where he wrote and produced music for commercials and TV shows by day, while pulling weeds and working in the countryside by night. Ron Das returned to the United States in 1985, settling in Nashville TN, where he continued to compose music for TV and films. After many years of spiritual studies, meditation, therapy, 12 step work and martial arts, Ron Das finally stumbled into enlightenment, partially from sheer exhaustion.  His newest book, "I've Reached Enlightenment - Now What?"​ has become an instant classic on handling "post-enlightenment depression".

"I'm ok with being humble, as long as everybody knows how humble I am..."
