Ron-Das, a/k/a Scotty, Starship "Enterprise"

  "Stormdrum" composed by Ron Das for Universal Music Publishing.

** It has been difficult to locate the source of a few images used on this site.  Please contact us with any concerns and we will be glad to attribute proper credit and make any arrangements necessary!  Peace... RD

All music and video on this site performed, edited and mixed by Ron Das.  All female vocals by Terry Burns except where noted. Photography by Laura Kozlowski except where noted. Website lack of design by Ron Das.


What is the difference between your experience of Existence and that of a saint?
The saint knows that the spiritual path is a sublime chess game with God
And that the Beloved has just made such a Fantastic Move
That the saint is now continually tripping over Joy and Bursting out in Laughter
And saying, “I Surrender!”

Whereas, my dear, I am afraid you still think you have a thousand serious moves.

Hafiz tells us that the Beloved’s nature is pure Joy.
The closer we come to Him, the more we are able to hear and feel God’s Laughter.
The rhythm of His Laughter is the music of the dance of life.
That music is the essence of Love and it is the radiant core of every song of Hafiz.

Abu Sa'id

If You Want to Draw Near to God

If you wish to draw near to God,
Seek him in the hearts of those around you.
Speak well of all, present or absent.
If you would be a light for others,
Be like the sun: show the same face to all.
To bring joy to a single heart is better
Than building countless shrines for worship;
To capture one heart through kindness is better
Than setting a thousand free.
This is the true lover of God,
Who lives with others,
Rises and eats and sleeps like others,
Gives and takes in the bazaar,
Yet never forgets God even for a moment.

Message from Ron Das:

"Please  look kindly on this site... It was originally created in 2012, I had never designed a website on my own before, nor had I ever produced or edited a video. All live video shot on a Kodak Playsport camera, ($89 on eBay!), edited on Sony Vegas software.  For lighting, I just turned on the lights! Creating this site has been a truly passionate adventure in learning and letting go! May it bring laughter and joy to all who visit!" 

                                                   In love, Ron Das.  


Copyright © Ron-Das

Ron Das

The Spiritual Guy

Ron Das

The Spiritual Guy
