Ron Das

The Spiritual Guy

Copyright © Ron-Das

Dear Ron Das,

Do we really need another Das? Aren't there enough Dases in the world already? Maybe too many, just sayin'.


K. Vetching

Dear K,

Yes, it is true there are many other Dases in the world, but they are not nearly as humble as I am.  Ask anyone. Just sayin'.


Dear Mr. Das,

I installed the Mindfulness Bell on my computer. Is there any way to disable it while I'm binge watching "Game of Thrones"? It's so annoying.

Thanks so much,

I. Juan Tmore

Dear I. Juan,

I know. I hate that bell - it's so distracting! At first it seems like a great idea but soon becomes so intrusive and gets old really quickly.  Why don't they think these things through before they build an app?

That's why they created the uninstall button!



Dear Ron Das,

My question is, do you have to be celibate to reach total enlightenment in this life?

Thanks, I. B. Pullen

Dear I. B.,

To the contrary, there is ample evidence of many beings reaching enlightenment without being celibate.** As a matter of fact, it's highly possible that one can advance 20 or 30 lifetimes in one incarnation just by being married and having kids. Who, faced with the choice of staring down an irritable spouse or an irritable monk, would choose the spouse?  Who, after jamming on the brakes and screaming "Ok kids, one more word and I'm going to turn this car around!" hasn't thought, "If only I had gone to Plum Village like I planned..." There is an old Zen saying that I just made up that goes, "The paths to enlightenment are as numerous as the hairs in an old man's nose..." Whether cleaning the latrine, or making love with a super model, our minds should be focused on the breath. This is truly being "in" the world, but not "of" it... "Breathing in, I am aware of pushing in the plunger, breathing out... eww gross..." When we are totally present with what is, in this very moment, we are enlightened. My advice to you, I.B. - get married and suffer like a big dog, for the sake of all sentient beings everywhere. Or not. Either way you'll suffer.

Peace, RD

** "Enlightened Beings Who Did It" by Sum Ting Wong

Dear Ron Das...

Ron Das

The Spiritual Guy
