I  have  total trust that my true nature is indestructible. 

Until there's a sudden drop in cabin pressure...

Ron Das

The Spiritual Guy

Ron Das

The Spiritual Guy

Copyright © Ron-Das

Poorly Translated Death Poems of Relatively Obscure Buddhist Monks


Thorny backside blisters

Ten kalpas in silent meditation

While the biscuits harden in my socks.

One million farts in my zafu and still no enlightenment...

May I be reborn in an era when they have take-out.


My uncle’s pickle is furry
‘Tis a stout man who begs the bagel
No regrets as I leave this life,
The black wart blossoms when the nose is ready
And all is well in my fetid socks**

**Original translation from Pali into Yiddish by Yankel Koppafiel.

Yiddish to English translation by Ron Das.


Mist over the lake
Heron squats in agony,
Forty years alone in my tiny hut

While my friends were eating sushi and playing footsie...
What was I thinking?
