Ron Das True or False...

1) Ron Das is "The Artist formerly known as Mauve"  T___ F___

2) Ron Das is the author of "Be There When?"  T___ F___

3) Ron Das is the author of the following essays:

a) "How To Make Each Moment Seem Like It's Two Moments"  (Yoga Today)  T___ F___

b) "Beyond Nirvana - Getting Over the Dreaded Hump of  Kalpa #7(Yoga Last Thursday) T___ F___

d) "Why I Lived in a Palm Tree Hut While All My Friends Were Getting Rich" (The Economist)  T ___ F ___

4) Ron Das was a Death Row visitor at Riverbend Maximum Security Prison for 6 years  T___ F___

5) The TV show "Doogie Howser" was loosely based on the life and work of Ron Das  T___ F___

6) Ron Das was given the Dharma name "Healing Voice of The Source" (Order of Interbeing) T___ F___

7) Ron Das is the former lead singer of the punk rock group "Not With My Camel"  T__ F__

8) Ron Das turned down a lucrative career in the NBA to become "The Spiritual Guy" T__ F __

9) Totally out of ideas - can you please think of something to put here and email Ron Das?

10) Ron Das has been walking The Path for eons. His flat feet are killing him... T__ F __


Turn Monitor upside down for the answers.

                  The Reincarnation of Yehuddi

When Ron Das was born, the elders on Long Island immediately recognized him as the reincarnation of the great 13th century mystical poet/rabbi/musician Yehuddi Ben Yankin. Three yarmulkes were brought in and placed before the baby, including one from the famous 13th century rabbi. Ron Das was immediately drawn to Yehuddi's yarmulke, and spat up on it. There was great rejoicing, and Ron Das was officially proclaimed to be the reincarnated soul of Yehuddi.** Yehuddi was a pioneer of his time, touring for many years with his band "Yehuddi and the Gefilte Fish", playing many Bar Mitzvahs and weddings. Later in his career he is credited with being the first musician to experiment with electronic music, quickly fading into obscurity since there was no place for the band to plug in. 

**The reincarnation was confirmed 12 years later when Ron Das tried to smite his brother with a BB gun.

Copyright © Ron-Das

Ron Das

The Spiritual Guy

Ron Das

The Spiritual Guy
